To show or hide line Item pricing on a quote: Go to the Quote you would like to edit In...
To export an excel file of assets and pricing: From the main menu navigate to Sales > Quotes. Select and...
To export a quote to a PDF file: From the main menu navigate to Sales > Quotes. Select and open...
To archive a quote directly from the quotes main page: From the main menu navigate to Sales > Quotes. Check...
To consolidate multiple quotes: From the main menu navigate to Sales > Quotes. Select the quotes you want to consolidate...
To renew a quote for an expiring contract: From the main menu navigate to Sales > Quotes. Then + Add...
To add configuration details to an existing Asset: From the main menu navigate to Sales > Assets. Select the Asset...
To duplicate quotes: From the main menu navigate to Sales > Quotes. Select the checkbox on the right for the...
When creating a proposal to attach to a quote: From the main menu navigate to Sales > Quotes. Select and...
Creating a renewal quote in Owlytica is a very simple process! Instead of starting from scratch, you can simply build...