Show or Hide Line Item Pricing

To show or hide line Item pricing on a quote:

  • Go to the Quote you would like to edit
  • In the Details tab under Pricing Details check the box for Show Line Item line item pricing checkboxThis will allow line item pricing to be displayed on the quote for the customer.
    screenshot of a quote with line item pricingBy NOT selecting the Show Line Item Pricing checkbox, line item pricing will be hidden from the customer, in effect showing a singular roll up price. You will still be able to view and manage pricing and costs at the line item level.Screenshot of quote without line item pricing.
NOTE: We recommend selecting Use Line Item Pricing to gather pricing data at the line item level. This is helpful in a scenario when this item is not renewed on its renewal date and must be removed from the quote, thus knowing how much money to take off the renewal. This is also helpful for pricing metrics and revenue and margin analysis at the asset level.
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